+my design got chosen for the fashion show. woot woot.
+abercrombie interview= success. but due to lack of living (age)..i couldn't be hired.(long story, short.)
+applied for forever XXI & american eagle.
+track...getting better but coach is being a douche.
+cucumbers are amazing for my extremely puffy eyes =] works in under 10 min. in the morning.. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED
+addicted to keri hilson
+i've had motivation to work harder in classes...yikes one more semester=senior!
still need more inspiration for writing & art work
tats r the thing right now.
i miss my peeps.
do you ever seek companionship? she does. it's like she's tired of the mediocrity of it all. she just wants something more and better for herself. its understandable that she can't obtain the unobtainable and it's alright that she can't them right off the bat. but its the little things that get to her. the within reach ideas and desires that come so easily for the next person but not for herself. she gets frustrated yet she's tired of being that way. she's tired of reaching for something that should be so easily grasped yet as soon has her fingers and the idea touch, not even for a milli-second. it slips through her fingertips as if it were never there to begin with. she just wants someone to talk to on the phone. someone who GETS her. no not even that. make her laugh. make her smile. argue with her. give her something to talk about. she's tired of talking and contemplating to herself...not that she's crazy or anything. but being alone and lonely have combined and it's wearing on her. she doesn't want to be dramatic but it's weighing on her sanity. of course she would want things as they used to be but she knows that's not possible. so why not give her the least amount of what she had. why not provide some security that would comfort her to where she's not relying on something else to be her anti-depressant.
the time is now.
...to be continued.
the time is now.
...to be continued.
this always happens. I hope for something & as soon as I see any chance that there's chance. it shatters.
...at least I'm not like one of those people who put their shit in their away's. like the fuck? no one cares. bt I have the right to post whatever I want here cuz its my blog :-p
anxiously awaiting for tuesday
...at least I'm not like one of those people who put their shit in their away's. like the fuck? no one cares. bt I have the right to post whatever I want here cuz its my blog :-p
anxiously awaiting for tuesday

SO today for once in my time being here I am realllly happy.
after school, I went to the mall to apply for abercrombie & fitch (I reek of abercrombie..in a good way lol)
and got an application for american eagle.
I have the interview with abercrombie on Friday so I just got my outfit together for that =]
hopefully I'll get the job so I can make some duckets lol
o so i walk in there and of course i see gorgeousness (guys&girls) so i ask if they're hiring and they say yea so i go to the register to see two superb guys behind the counter to ask for the application. When I'm filling out the app we were just chatting and this guy justin is super cool he was telling me about the store and whatnot (he's from l.a. too) and he was talking about what agency he was with and then asked me "so what agency are you with?" haha i was soo flattered. i said i wasn't in any agency and he recommended that I go and sign with one. =]
o and before the mall I went to go get my PERMIT!! woo hoo. Finally. i almost failed though =/ I missed 5 and the policy is if you fail 6 you don't pass. but hey. at least i passed.
today in school. o goodness. we had a blood drive and I was all ready to donate blood and when I was talking to the lady she had to prick my finger to see my type and all that. said my iron count was too low so she said why don't we try again..so it worked. got in the chair. was just chilling, waiting. I look to the right of me to see how things were going to go down haha so i see the nurse put the needle in the girl's arm and she was digging the needle in her arm and moving it around IN HER ARM to find the vein i was like WTF!!!!!! and i look at the girl's face and she looked in pain. so look over to the left of me and this guy just has a needle sticking out of his arm and the nurse went to go get another nurse because she said his vein was too small. so i was like ooo nooooo. i had to get out of there. my wimp self teared up and basically cried. i was being really emotional for no reason..pms probably haha so yea i didn't go through with it..but for a good reason. i didn't trust those people they didn't know what they were doing. but i felt bad though because I really wanted to donate blood =/...maybe next time...o i did become an organ donor (saying on my permit haha)
american eagle,
my attempts
australia videos!!!!!!!
i can't believe i forgot to post these from the summer.
i felt so stupid interviewing people because i kept forgetting my questions haha
(i was a reporter for world youth day if you didn't know) and there's more but it takes too long to upload on youtube. and wayyy too long on blogger
ahh this guy was too cute to me...maybe it was the fact he spoke french haha
no need to watch this i sounded so ghetto in this video and it's just me asking people how their food was. o and bad videography:
ahh this guy was too cute to me...maybe it was the fact he spoke french haha
no need to watch this i sounded so ghetto in this video and it's just me asking people how their food was. o and bad videography:
shit bang.
i've become so numb i cant feel you there...so much more aware...all i want to do is be more like me and be less like you.
encore. do you want more?
this year.
i want to find out about
it sounds easy but its going to be a toughy..might take years. =/
-the thing to do is to figure out what your beliefs are but the challenge is to live with it and learn to embody and embrace what we believe in, in spite of surrounding, media, parents, or any other faith influencers.
"we all share the same origin, our mothers; all of us come in at the same door."
haha nicely put.
it sounds easy but its going to be a toughy..might take years. =/
-the thing to do is to figure out what your beliefs are but the challenge is to live with it and learn to embody and embrace what we believe in, in spite of surrounding, media, parents, or any other faith influencers.
"we all share the same origin, our mothers; all of us come in at the same door."
haha nicely put.
i'm sore
ok so people alway think that i'm weird for liking the pain i have after i work out or go to practice but i really do. i think it's because the pain reminds you that 1) your work is actually paying off to get SOME result from it. and 2) that the more you keep working the less painful it will be later..it's only the beginning
also, just got back from a women's basketball game duke vs. maryland (w)..very good game--> overtime.
did a essay prompt for english when i came back..the only hw i've done this whole weekend besides sketching. WHICH leads me to my next topic. my art class is going into the portion of fashion design so we have to create a line around the theme of games (poker, monopoly, etc) i've finished the 3 we were supposed to do +an extra one. first one: men's leather jacket w. ace of spades, 2nd: women's fitted dress for queen of hearts (sweetheart neckline-strapless, the sweetheart part is made out of actual playing cards =]), 3rd: an outfit for the character colonel mustard from the game clue but in women form..and the last one is a colonel mustard feel with a twang of classy. yes we are ACTUAL creating these sketches so i am reaaallly excited because ever since we had to move i haven't created anything since we had to sell my sewing machine and mannequin =(...moment of silence for my two objects dear to my heart
ok. but yea if you know me, you know that i dabble in all types of art: film, dance, fashion, illustrations, photography..i do it all. =] && did i mention i was uber excited!!!!!!!!!!!
and i want to put out there that i am STILL trying to come out to l.a. for spring break..a cost for round trip ticket has gone down from the 400 to 300 range..the airlines are finally getting the hint. and i have 120 bux in my name right now so i'm somewhat half way through..20 days until spring break and i neeeeed money. so i'm doing major cutbacks...well not major because i've been doing it just cracking down on it. (say crack again...CRACK!) so i've come up w. a plann and this is what i've been doing since day one (before i moved) but using reinforcements THIS CAN HELP FOR YOU TOO!!!:
1. pack lunches
- lean cuisines, teddy grahams, caprisuns/water
2. no buying at school
- no more pepsi/lemonade after school =(
- no more $1 bowl of fries in the lunch line
3. no buying on weekends
- eat BEFORE i go out.
- if sleeping over someone's house make sure they have food. if not, bring your own snacks =]
4. don't carry money with you..only for emergencies (calling a cab, using pay phones)..hey i did say emergencies lol
also, just got back from a women's basketball game duke vs. maryland (w)..very good game--> overtime.
did a essay prompt for english when i came back..the only hw i've done this whole weekend besides sketching. WHICH leads me to my next topic. my art class is going into the portion of fashion design so we have to create a line around the theme of games (poker, monopoly, etc) i've finished the 3 we were supposed to do +an extra one. first one: men's leather jacket w. ace of spades, 2nd: women's fitted dress for queen of hearts (sweetheart neckline-strapless, the sweetheart part is made out of actual playing cards =]), 3rd: an outfit for the character colonel mustard from the game clue but in women form..and the last one is a colonel mustard feel with a twang of classy. yes we are ACTUAL creating these sketches so i am reaaallly excited because ever since we had to move i haven't created anything since we had to sell my sewing machine and mannequin =(...moment of silence for my two objects dear to my heart
ok. but yea if you know me, you know that i dabble in all types of art: film, dance, fashion, illustrations, photography..i do it all. =] && did i mention i was uber excited!!!!!!!!!!!
and i want to put out there that i am STILL trying to come out to l.a. for spring break..a cost for round trip ticket has gone down from the 400 to 300 range..the airlines are finally getting the hint. and i have 120 bux in my name right now so i'm somewhat half way through..20 days until spring break and i neeeeed money. so i'm doing major cutbacks...well not major because i've been doing it just cracking down on it. (say crack again...CRACK!) so i've come up w. a plann and this is what i've been doing since day one (before i moved) but using reinforcements THIS CAN HELP FOR YOU TOO!!!:
1. pack lunches
- lean cuisines, teddy grahams, caprisuns/water
2. no buying at school
- no more pepsi/lemonade after school =(
- no more $1 bowl of fries in the lunch line
3. no buying on weekends
- eat BEFORE i go out.
- if sleeping over someone's house make sure they have food. if not, bring your own snacks =]
4. don't carry money with you..only for emergencies (calling a cab, using pay phones)..hey i did say emergencies lol
fashion show,
los angeles,
sewing machine,
for starters
-words of chris (http://www.csanmusic4life.blogspot.com/):
"ALL OF you girls who take pictures of your body, or half naked put it on facebook or myspace or get drunk at parties and dance like your a hoe and wear clothes like that you invite guys to see you that way and treat you that way. Then when you get done dirty by one of those bum ass niggas you say "DUDeS AINT SHIT", No! look what you attract to yourself. Its all about how you carry yourself and its sad what yall do for the attention of us men. IF you dont want to be treated like a hoe dont wear the uniform or play the part. HAVE SOME RESPECT FOR YOURSELF AND ACT LIKE A LADY!!!"
so me and sunny (http://mzsunnydae.blogspot.com/)were talking today about guys and their need to always express their raging hormones to females like we don't have any as well. i must say even though it's "normal" for a guy to be hormonal aka horny that does not give them permission to think that have rights to be rude, have a sense of entitlement or think that we (females) owe them anything of that matter. i feel that everyone should always have the option of saying no. yes, there may be consequences of saying it in certain situations but in this case there is no consequence in saving your pride and reputation. side note: i remember i once asked a group of my guy friends why they were so fascinated with boobs. their reply: because we don't have any. lol?
and for the quote from chris: ladies. please spare yourselves the humiliation and embarassment of the public masses. put some clothes on, respect yourselves and have some dignity why don't you? do yourself a favor trust me you'll feel alot better.
and if it's your thing to strut your stuff then go right ahead, no one's stopping you, exute confidence and appreciation for your body if that's what you choose. but if you're just doing it do get attention or appreciation from others rather than yourself, then there are some underlying issues that you need to deal with.
but for me, the motto should be be a lady in the streets and a freak in the sheets
but it's all in this entry:
for the record: sunny is the girl that likes to chase the boys..no not being a simp but she likes when they play hard to get yet they still show interest in HER. me on the other hand am the opposite. i like people to chase ME. i don't care if that sounds shallow in any way but that's the way things are. i can't be persistent after a guy...i don't know i just can't reach out to hit up guys whether it be aim, myspace, phone, txt whatever. unless you're a realllly close friend of mine. but other than that i see it this way: if you really wanted to talk to me you would take the time out of your "busy schedule" to see how i'm doing. again. i don't see contacting guys as a bad thing, it's just not me.
words of sunny:
i'm pretty. bomb. cute. beautiful. smart. intelligent. i have goals. i have self-respect. i'm going places in my life other than the street corner or the clinic...you can fall in line or get out of my life.
-words of chris (http://www.csanmusic4life.blogspot.com/):
"ALL OF you girls who take pictures of your body, or half naked put it on facebook or myspace or get drunk at parties and dance like your a hoe and wear clothes like that you invite guys to see you that way and treat you that way. Then when you get done dirty by one of those bum ass niggas you say "DUDeS AINT SHIT", No! look what you attract to yourself. Its all about how you carry yourself and its sad what yall do for the attention of us men. IF you dont want to be treated like a hoe dont wear the uniform or play the part. HAVE SOME RESPECT FOR YOURSELF AND ACT LIKE A LADY!!!"
so me and sunny (http://mzsunnydae.blogspot.com/)were talking today about guys and their need to always express their raging hormones to females like we don't have any as well. i must say even though it's "normal" for a guy to be hormonal aka horny that does not give them permission to think that have rights to be rude, have a sense of entitlement or think that we (females) owe them anything of that matter. i feel that everyone should always have the option of saying no. yes, there may be consequences of saying it in certain situations but in this case there is no consequence in saving your pride and reputation. side note: i remember i once asked a group of my guy friends why they were so fascinated with boobs. their reply: because we don't have any. lol?
and for the quote from chris: ladies. please spare yourselves the humiliation and embarassment of the public masses. put some clothes on, respect yourselves and have some dignity why don't you? do yourself a favor trust me you'll feel alot better.
and if it's your thing to strut your stuff then go right ahead, no one's stopping you, exute confidence and appreciation for your body if that's what you choose. but if you're just doing it do get attention or appreciation from others rather than yourself, then there are some underlying issues that you need to deal with.
but for me, the motto should be be a lady in the streets and a freak in the sheets
but it's all in this entry:
for the record: sunny is the girl that likes to chase the boys..no not being a simp but she likes when they play hard to get yet they still show interest in HER. me on the other hand am the opposite. i like people to chase ME. i don't care if that sounds shallow in any way but that's the way things are. i can't be persistent after a guy...i don't know i just can't reach out to hit up guys whether it be aim, myspace, phone, txt whatever. unless you're a realllly close friend of mine. but other than that i see it this way: if you really wanted to talk to me you would take the time out of your "busy schedule" to see how i'm doing. again. i don't see contacting guys as a bad thing, it's just not me.
words of sunny:
i'm pretty. bomb. cute. beautiful. smart. intelligent. i have goals. i have self-respect. i'm going places in my life other than the street corner or the clinic...you can fall in line or get out of my life.
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