

was busy.
8-12: saw my little sisters; jameson; potential client her baby was adorable and i felt loved because she sed he doesn't let anyone hold him =] i just have that affect on people lol

2:30-4: wayyy to long to be in the dentist's office. doing NOTHING!! that bitch wasnt doing her job so we had to keep takin x-rays and if you've ever had x-rays taken in a dentist's office you know it hurts. the bitch was tryna shove those card things down my throat!!! and i found out. i have 7 cavaties...not big tho so don't think im some crazed candy fein lmao i actually hate candy so i dnt kno how i got cavaties. she sed they were all small except for 1. eff my life.

5-9: pool party for tati and leslie. met some new cool new ppl. was kinda wack tho...got splashed with water wen i jus got my hair done. i hate my hair.

was knocked by 10. yess. i was that tired, if anyone knows me im usually the one who goes to sleep at 2 or 3 in the morning. ha.

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