now i normall i wouldn't copy and paste a whole entry like the one below, but i feel that everyone needs to see this and i've been trying to get this point across for quite some time now but i didn't exactly know how to say it and i'm glad that someone finally did.
Rans head at 12:00 at night.
1.Why is everyone so scared of being real? why must everyone use lifes hardcomings as a shield and excuse to use life itsself as a game? why is everyone so afraid of rejection?
2. I am embaressed to be called black everytime i see a guy flaunting the fact that they oppose acctual hard laber and fall back on that easy road of living. Which is set of standards presented by a guy [Lil Wayne] who cant even stand to have his success in reality and drowns his unsaid sorrows in drugs and money.
3. Love has shown itsself to be the most infinate word in any language. Love has no color, gender, amount, direction, or boundry. Love can ruin or build someones life. Love and fire have so much in commen. Whenever your around the flames you get this feeling that it has eyes and it knows exactly where its going. and once everything is burnt and rubble you still cant forget the fact that it came and left and how you felt when it was there.volnurable and warm. well thats at least how i hope my first love to feel. like a dream, and hopefully ill never wakeup. but if i do i know that i cant stop sleeping because one dream became a nightmare , or because i simply wokeup from one dream even if it never ended (they never do..). Love is a religon nd you eithr have faith or you dont. Idk, all love to me is at the moment is movies and tv shows and all the stories tend to fit in my love metaphors which acctually could be just as real as science fiction. but i hope someone can change my mind and make me have faith.
4.I believe the acctual deffinition of a nigga is exactly the people who use the word, ignorant and until they delete the word out of their own vocabulary and think of themselves as any higher than ignorant and is proud of that accomplishment, all theyll ever be is niggas. but like yannicans said .."i am not your nigga" so dont call me one.
Well that was all a random outburst of strong real feelings. because idk if some of you have them (feelings) but i do. and if you happen to have the same feelings as i do, we may get along.
props to
1 comment:
3 is so true
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