
clarity for the skeptics

okay for anyone who is opposed for obama's presidency, I just want to say please don't think that it is African American's "fault" that he has been elected. Let me just say that even if every single African American had voted for Obama and no other race or ethnicity did. Obama would not have been elected. other races voted for Obama as well, so please do not have any inclination that it is the fault of blacks that is he is going to be our new president. accept the change that has been made and is going to come. Even though there are a lot of us (blacks) don't forget we are still a minority. which by the way is increasing along w. different ethnicities such as latinos, asians, etc. so please don't be ignorant and create a bad name for yourself that most of you have already done. I am not generalizing I am just stating that there are people who create a bad name for themselves which portrays them in a certain way. Not saying that everyone is the same, and not saying that blacks haven't made a bad name for themselves in SOME way. I'm just informing that no one should pin point or put the blame on a particular group of people based on the majority of this country's decision.

thank you for hearing me out.
aum & love.

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